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Revenge of the Red Shirts


Captain’s Blog… October 7, 2024.


Lieutenant Mallory, Ensign O’Herlihy, Yeoman Thompson, and crewmen Compton and Hendorff. What do these five people have in common? All five of these fine officers of the fleet helped solidify the notion that if you are serving in a red shirt under the command of Captain James T. Kirk, you were more than likely to be the casualty of the week on the planet of the week.


All in all, there were 24 “Red Shirt” deaths across the three seasons of The Original Series creating the mindset that if you’re a red shirt, you’re a dead shirt. But, on Friday, October 4, 2024, eight of your fallen favorites came back to life and congregated in the small New England town of Putnam, Conn. as the undead left behind by Captain Kirk in the town’s Main Street Association sponsored Zombie Fashion Show.


The eight members of the U.S.S. Charter Oak staggered across the Rotary Park Bandstand stage as the Revenge of the Red Shirts in this annual show organized by Jennifer Brytowski of Jennerate, LLC. Revenge of the Red Shirts was one of more than 60 zombie participants enjoying the sights and sounds of this Halloween tradition, while introducing some in the audience to such a great franchise like Star Trek. There were many great groups and participants including an amazing Beetlejuice family as well as some great dance groups. The Revenge of the Red Shirts, while not winning the grand prize of $300, appeared to be a fan favorite having had a few audience members ask for photos with the crew of the U.S.S. Charter Oak after the event had concluded.


As the captain of the U.S.S. Charter Oak, I couldn’t not participate in this extremely enjoyable event. I have been friends with the organizer for a few years now, and have wanted to do this fashion show for as long as I’ve known about it. To poke some fun at the TOS stereotype while answering the question, “Where have all those Red Shirts gone?” was also fun. The members of the Red Shirts made this event worth doing. Their commitment to bring back our dead comrades from the 60s, while throwing in their very own Halloween twist, each made it look amazing. I know they also had fun; after all, the conversation for what to do next year has already begun!


It is always enjoyable when the crew gets together to do fun outings. Next on our list is Time Traveler’s Weekend at the Connecticut Renaissance Faire. Let’s hope we don’t lose any Red Shirts on the jousting list!


The Captain’s Blog is an Op-Ed style blog written by the captain of the U.S.S. Charter Oak, Ryan O’Connor. The U.S.S. Charter Oak is an independent Star Trek Fan Association located in Connecticut, but is open to anyone from anywhere on this beautiful blue and green marble. Please follow the U.S.S. Charter Oak on Facebook, Instagram, and X and check back regularly for more from The Captain’s Blog…


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