U . S . S . C H A R T E R O A K C O L L E C T S N E A R L Y 7 0 0
P O U N D S O F F O O D , P E T S U P P L I E S I N " F I L L
T H E S H U T T L E C R A F T " C A M P A I G N
WOODSTOCK, CONN. - For nearly a month, the crew of the U.S.S Charter Oak, the Eastern Connecticut Chapter of STARFLEET, the International Star Trek Fan Association, have been collecting non-perishable food items as well as pet food and supplies in the first-ever Fill the Shuttlecraft Food Drive for People and Pets. As a result, their donations to various non-profit organizations reached a total of 674.08lbs.
One of their larger pushes as part of this campaign took place on Sunday, December 4th for six hours where the crew collected non-perishable food items and pet supplies in front of the Killingly Commons Stop & Shop and Petco. The 181 pounds from this particular collection were donated to the Interfaith Human Services of Putnam’s Daily Bread Food Pantry and the Connecticut Humane Society in Newington, Conn.
“It’s exciting to be able to give back to the Northeastern Connecticut Community,” said U.S.S. Charter Oak Captain, Ryan O’Connor after the public collection. “Gene Roddenberry [the creator of Star Trek] spoke about a future where no one goes hungry. We hope the donations we received help make that bit of Science Fiction a reality for those who need it.”
Many other donations were collected and made by different members of the U.S.S Charter Oak to multiple Connecticut-based organizations including the Gemma E. Moran Food Bank in New London, Conn. in addition to each of the three locations of the Connecticut Humane Society. 16 toys were also collected and donated to Toys For Tots hosted by the Marine Corps Reserve.
STARFLEET International has been in existence since 1974, and is the oldest Star Trek fan group. The Fill the Shuttlecraft Food Drive for People and Pets is part of the organization’s national giving campaign that runs through November and December of each year against rival Star Trek fan group, the Klingon Assault Group. The U.S.S Charter Oak was founded as a chapter within Region 15 in January of 2022 gaining official chapter status in October that same year. The U.S.S Charter Oak has more than a dozen members representing Eastern Connecticut.
U . S . S . C H A R T E R O A K S U C C E S S F U L I N F I L L I N G T H E S H U T T L E C R A F T
KILLINGLY, CONN. - More than two dozen donations were tendered in the first-ever Fill the Shuttlecraft Food Drive for People and Pets hosted by the Eastern Connecticut Chapter of STARFLEET, the International Star Trek Fan Association, the U.S.S Charter Oak.
The crew of this fan group met with friends and fans on Sunday, December 4th for six hours collecting non-perishable food items and pet supplies between Stop & Shop and Petco in the Killingly Commons in Dayville, Conn. with the proceeds being donated to the Interfaith Human Services of Putnam’s Daily Bread Food Pantry and the Connecticut Humane Society. The total weight of donations have yet to be tallied, but the benefit from this event will be felt across Connecticut.
“It’s exciting to be able to give back to the Northeastern Connecticut Community,” says U.S.S. Charter Oak Captain, Ryan O’Connor. “Gene Roddenberry [the creator of Star Trek] spoke about a future where no one goes hungry. We hope the donations we received help make that bit of Science Fiction a reality for those who need it.”
STARFLEET International has been in existence since 1974, and is the oldest Star Trek fan group. The Fill the Shuttlecraft Food Drive for People and Pets is part of the organization’s national giving campaign that runs through November and December of each year against rival Star Trek fan group, the Klingon Assault Group.
The crew of the U.S.S. Charter Oak poses for a photo behind their table where they were accepting donations during their Fill The Shuttle Campaign
The crew of the U.S.S. Charter Oak poses for a photo behind their table where they were accepting donations during their Fill The Shuttle Campaign
Captain Ryan O'Connor poses with a cart filled with the donations for the Connecticut Humane Society
The crew of the U.S.S. Charter Oak poses for a photo behind their table where they were accepting donations during their Fill The Shuttle Campaign
U. S. S. C H A R T E R O A K P A R T N E R S W I T H C T H U M A N E S O C I E T Y
In April, 2022 the crew of the U.S.S. Charter Oak began a partnership with the Connecticut Humane Society. As our assigned charity, we will be pursuing fund raising opportunities as part of our giving campaign. Through the adoption of our online store, as well as a direct donation page that has been set up by the Connecticut Humane Society, we intend to rase money to support the shelter animals in our community.
Please visit our store and browse our charitable giving items!
U . S . S . C H A R T E R O A K P R O M O T E S C R E W M E M B E R
On May 21, 2022, the Commanding Officer and Executive Officer of the U.S.S. Charter Oak made effective immediately the promotion of Crewman D. Raposo to the rank of Ensign. Ensign D. Raposo has also been commanded to take over the senior officer position responsible for the Division of Operations. Ensign D. Raposo joined STARFLEET International in January of 2022, and was immediately assigned to the newly launched U.S.S Charter Oak, which launched the same month. He is responsible for helping build the different platforms for the U.S.S. Charter Oak to properly communicate across this vessel.
Congratulations to Ensign D. Raposo.
October 26, 2022
PUTNAM, CONN. - After a nine-month shakedown cruise, the crew of the U.S.S. Charter Oak NCC-63545, formerly NX-63545, has officially left drydock on their first assignment under the direction of STARFLEET International’s Region 15.
“Following final outfitting and crew assignments,” wrote Vice Admiral Steve Bowers of STARFLEET Operations, “you are cleared to proceed to your assigned patrol area in the 15th Fleet’s area of operations.”
Even though the official commissioning of the U.S.S. Charter Oak happened on October 15, the official announcement came during the crew’s inaugural Halloween Costume Party on October 23; one of many events that the team of a dozen fans of Gene Roddenberry’s creation participated in in October and over the past nine months. During the official announcement, both the ship’s command officer and executive officer were promoted to Captain and Commander in line with the rules that govern the organization.
Fleet Commander Frank Gonzalez read the promotion orders from Vice Admiral Thomas Guertin to brothers Ryan and Bradley O’Connor, who were promoted to Captain and Commander respectively saying, “Upon receipt of these orders, you will detach from your present station and duties. You are ordered to report to the Starship Charter Oak.”
Following the issuing of orders, both brothers were pinned with their new ranks.
As his first order of business, now-Captain Ryan O’Connor promoted three additional members of the crew. The following were promoted:
Crewman J. Baldree was promoted to Ensign after completing the necessary training.
Ensign D. Raposo was promoted to Lieutenant Commander after completing all the necessary training as well as extra courses, most of which completed with a score of honors.
Ensign J. Marks Sr was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade after completing all the necessary training.
The U.S.S Charter Oak is one of two vessels representing the state of Connecticut. This chapter began its shakedown cruise in January of 2022 under the supervision of the Rhode Island chapter, the U.S.S Roger Williams. The second chapter in Connecticut is the U.S.S Nathan Hale, which also started under the U.S.S Roger Williams, which is commanded by Fleet Commander Frank Gonzalez. The U.S.S Charter Oak partners with the Connecticut Humane Society as their charity having already raised nearly four hundred dollars for the animal shelter.
To learn how you can join the U.S.S Charter Oak, or any chapter in STARFLEET, the International Star Trek Fan Association, visit www.usscharteroak.org or www.sfi.org,